According to Marla Ahlgrimm, while some women keep track of their menstrual cycles with cramps, bloating, and fatigue, others simply look at their plates. Many women, explains Ahlgrimm, crave certain foods during and just after ovulation. It is not uncommon for women to have specific cravings that often include chocolate or salty carbohydrates.
Over the course of her professional experience, Marla Ahlgrimm has noted a woman’s craving for chocolate may actually be linked more to her body’s need for magnesium than an actual weakness for sweets. Since chocolate is a perfect combination of sugar and fat, it may be the ideal food for boosting endorphin levels which typically surge in the days before ovulation. A craving for salty carbohydrates, like chocolate, may also be the body trying to replenish certain types of fats and/or energy expended during the menstrual cycle.